We’ve given a lot of thought to our core values here at Colorado Aromatics and decided it was time to put them to paper. These are the things that are important to us and guide our business practices.
Education / Knowledge
Having a deep knowledge of what we do is important. There are many ‘myths’ and misunderstandings in the skincare industry. Cindy has a background as a college instructor and strives to educate both her customers and her colleagues about the science behind skincare. Cindy also puts aside time each week to educate herself on issues relating to skincare and ingredients so that she can stay innovative and create better, more functional products.Community
Being a part of a community and contributing to it is important. Colorado Aromatics participates in the Longmont Farmers Market and supports other local groups. We also belong to larger business groups that we play a role in through education. We maintain strong relationships with other owners of skincare companies and other herbalists. And within our company, we build community with each other.Health and Empowerment
Health is our most important asset. Without health, it is difficult to pursue many joys in life. Our products help promote healthy skin and we encourage a healthy lifestyle through being active and healthy eating.Sustainability and Stewardship
We live in a beautiful spot in Colorado and its beauty impacts our products. We want to make sure that these beautiful places remain for our children. Our herb farm is Certified Naturally Grown which means we use natural and organic practices that protect our soil, our wildlife, our water, and our customers. Using herbs as an active ingredient is a renewable practice with minimal impact on the planet. We also make sure that our other ingredients are sustainable and biodegradable and they are made from renewable resources. Our products are packaged with minimal packaging that is recyclable and we ship our products with recycled packaging materials. Colorado Aromatics is proud to have received Gold recognition in the 2020 Sustainable Business Program for Longmont, CO.
Thanks for doing this, I’m inspired to do mine!
Great, I’ll be looking for them! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to read.
Great post. As a life coach I tell my clients to make decisions based on their core values. It’s great to see a company putting core values into practice as well. Good luck.
Donna, that is a great idea. I spent some time looking at my personal core values too to see how that fit into my business. Its a great exercise. Thanks for reading.
Getting things that are important down on paper makes them real. Great idea!
Angela, that’s true. Writing them down and putting them out there where customers see them makes a difference. Thanks for reading.
I can definitely tell that you’ve put a lot of thought into this. Angela is right—it definitely makes things seem more real when they’re written down. I love that you’re sharing them here so your customers can see exactly how much thought is behind your company. Inspiring post!
Emily, yes, it was something I’ve been working on for a few years, inspired by several business books I’ve read. Rather than just leaving them on my computer I thought I’d better post them. Thanks for reading.
Sounds wonderful! And special, too!
Well written and to the point. I agree, inspiring post.