One way to enjoy the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables at this time of year is to use overripe produce in a facial mask. Just about any type of fruit or vegetable can be used and they are all packed with goodness for the skin including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. So here are some ideas for an Enjoy the Harvest Facial Mask.
Here are three fruits/vegetables easily found at farmers market this time of year that you can try; watermelon, peaches, and zucchini.
Watermelon facial
Watermelon contains vitamin C, vitamin A and pantothenic acid among other nutrients. Eating watermelon is a great way to get those skin benefits, but you can also make a face mask and apply the watermelon directly to the skin.
Peach facial
Peaches are rich sources of alpha hydroxy acids for exfoliation, vitamin A related compounds that include beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lycopene and lutein to support skin cell regeneration and vitamin C to support collagen in the skin giving it more structure and reduce wrinkles as well as to help fade sun spots. Peaches also contain vitamin K to help fade dark circles under the eyes and vitamin B to help skin maintain moisture and decrease redness.
Zucchini facial
Even that zucchini that you can’t seem to get rid of is high in vitamin C, vitamin B-6, vitamin K, vitamin A, copper and magnesium – all good nutrients for skin. Zucchini also contains anti-inflammatory polysaccharides like homogalacturonan to sooth skin.
When choosing produce for a facial you can use overripe and bruised produce, save the very best for snacking.
How to make your harvest facial
To make a facial from your produce, cut a piece about 1/2 the size of your palm. How much you need is really dependent upon how juicy the fruit is. Place this in a small blender and add about a teaspoon of facial clay. Mix well. Check to see if the consistency is good for spreading. If not adjust accordingly. If it is good, apply to the face in smooth strokes. Sit back for 10 minutes or so and enjoy a fruit snack! Rinse off with warm water and enjoy how smooth your skin feels.
You can get your herbal clay mask base here.

Herbal Clay Mask
For more information about using farmers market produce on your skin see these posts
Radish Vinegar Hair Rinse or Foot Soak
Love fresh facial recipes! Thanks for these tips…I happen to have watermelon in the fridge right now, but no telling if there will be any left over for a facial after my kids get through with it!